To compete for top talent, companies are looking for innovative ways to stand out in a competitive labor market. Employees are looking for beefed up benefits that support their social, physical, mental and financial well-being. Social Health -read more Physical Health...
How Can Holistic Financial Wellness Help Your Business?
How Can Holistic Financial Wellness Help Your Business? When your employees thrive, so can your business. Financial stress can be costly and can negatively affect employee engagement: Retention Productivity Attendance 74% of employees say financial wellness programs...
Is Financial Education on Company Time Worth it?
Is Financial Education on Company Time Worth It? Financial education is becoming increasingly important in today's world, but is it worth the company's time and resources to provide such a service? Helping employees reduce financial stress can help improve wellness,...
Retirement & Saving Milestones
Retirement & Saving Milestones Tips to help you set realistic savings goals at any age Your financial needs will vary depending upon where you are in life. The goals you set should reflect your lifestyle. Here are a few tips to help avoid common pitfalls and...
Financial Stress Has More Impact on Your Company Than You Think
Financial Stress Has More Impact on Your Company Than You Think In today’s economy, financial stress is having a profound impact on working Americans. Stressed employees are feeling the pinch; this can affect productivity, retention and engagement at work. Financial...
Why use Smooth 401k?
Why use a 401k? Top 5 Benefits of 401k Plans 1. Tax Advantages 2. You are in Control 3. You can take it with you 4. Time is on your side 5. Easy Payroll Deduction/Company Match View More HERE
Secure Act 2.0
After a lot of excitement, Congress finally passed the Consolidated Appropriations Act which included several new retirement plan legislations. The SECURE Act 2.0 and other provisions strive to expand access to retirement plans, increase retirement savings, help...
SECURE Act Tax Credits & 401(k) plan features
The most comprehensive pension reform in 20 years, the SECURE Act, is a step forward to allow people greater access to retirement plan.
401(k) Distribution options participant guide
Exploring 4 different options to enhance your retirement planning confidence.
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